Child Health Leaders Urge Health Ministers to Prioritize Children and Youth in Healthcare Discussions

Children’s Healthcare Canada and the Pediatric Chairs of Canada extend our appreciation to Canada’s health ministers for their commitment to addressing critical issues across our healthcare systems, notably health workforce shortages and health data integration. These discussions represent pivotal strides toward a more robust and effective healthcare system benefiting all Canadians.

We stress the importance of a child- and youth-focused perspective in ongoing discussions, recognizing children’s current needs, as well as their future role in society's prosperity. As these conversations evolve, we encourage government leaders at all levels to incorporate a child-focused lens into their strategies for the betterment of children’s healthcare.

We call upon Canada’s health ministers to commit to an action plan encompassing measurable indicators and outcomes tailored to children's healthcare. This plan should include the following key components:

  • Pediatric-Specific Training: Addressing health workforce shortages requires recognizing the specialized needs of providing healthcare to children and youth. We urge the development of specialized training programs for healthcare professionals dealing with children, covering their physical, emotional, and developmental needs to ensure optimal care.

  • Child-Centric Data Integration: Ongoing health data integration efforts must include child-specific health data.

  • Measurable Child Health Outcomes: The action plan should establish clear and measurable indicators for child health outcomes to monitor progress and ensure the specific healthcare needs of children are understood and met.

  • Broad Engagement: In developing and implementing these strategies, we encourage government leaders to engage with healthcare professionals, child health experts, researchers, families, children and youth and communities to incorporate the perspectives and voices of those directly impacted by these changes.

With a child-focused approach, we are confident that we can address workforce shortages and data integration while enhancing the quality of care for our youngest neighbours. Children’s Healthcare Canada and the Pediatric Chairs of Canada are dedicated to working alongside government partners, healthcare professionals, and the public to make this vision a reality, ensuring that children’s healthcare remains a top priority within ongoing healthcare discussions.

Media Contact:

Marjolaine Provost
Senior Advisor, Communications

Ann Watkins