Nomination Process
Current Chairs of the Department of Pediatrics in Canada are asked to submit a maximum of one nomination in each category on an annual basis.
Nominations must include a fully completed Nomination Form and an abbreviated Curriculum Vitae for the nominee. A Teaching Dossier is also required for the Clinician Educator Award.
The deadline for nominations is March 31st of every year.
The nomination process is confidential; therefore, all nominations must be submitted directly to the PCC Secretariat.
Selection Process
A Selection Committee, consisting of five past Chairs of Pediatrics in Canada, will adjudicate the review process with selection of the winners by end of June of every year.
The Awards Selection Committee is currently composed of the following 5 past Chairs:
Susan Gilmour (Chair)
Allison Eddy
Ciaran Duffy
James (Jim) Kellner
Thérèse Côté-Boileau
Up to 6 awards will be bestowed annually (3 for the Emerging Leader Award), provided suitable nominees in each category are submitted.
The Selection Committee Chair will generate the Final Report, which will be presented to the Full Slate at the Spring bi-annual Retreat, for their final approval.
Award winners will receive a congratulatory email from the PCC Secretariat once final approval is obtained by the Full Slate at the Spring bi-annual Retreat. Nominating Chairs will also be copied on this communication.
Award winners will be publicly announced on the PCC website and PCC social media feeds shortly thereafter.
Award recipients will be invited to the PCC fall awards ceremony. They will be celebrated and presented with their trophy at that time.
The nominating department of each respective award recipient will fund travel and accommodations for their own awardee.